Maxillofacial Treatment - Dr Chris Hart: Cosmetic Dentistry Melbourne

Maxillofacial Treatment

Oral and maxillofacial surgery involves treating trauma or congenial defects of the face, mouth and jaw.

Being a highly-regarded dental specialist, Dr Chris Hart is often receives referrals from hospital clinics and doctors to help patients following treatment for oral cancer, so as to recreate and restore their mouth. As much as this treatment requires surgery, there is often a need for replacement of more than just teeth. Sometimes this even includes replacement of whole jaws, eyes and ears. This is a highly specialised subspecialty which most patients will never need to call upon.

As many patients have had chemotherapy and radiotherapy as well as highly invasive surgery, unique problems such as limited mouth opening, dry mouth, limited chewing and unusual anatomy mean oral procedures can be a challenge. However, Dr Chris Hart adapts techniques for each patient to make treatment possible. Dr Hart has worked across multiple hospital settings since 2006 and is not only highly proficient in the area, he also shows a genuine level of understanding and care to his patients.

To find out more about maxillofacial treatment at Dr Chris Hart Prosthodontist, please contact our friendly team on: 03 9663 5264.